As a would-be Intellectual who probably is just a middlin' Debater I have to differ with you on the last category of your board bestiary - the Anarchist. I do not disagree with the content,it's spot on. It's the label. I ask you to replace it with the Nihlist. Disruption for no other reason than personal gratification is the m.o. of the Nihlist. The Nihlist stands for nothing - check out the dictionary. The anarchists that I know and consider to be friends take stands. I may disagree with them on tactics and theory but I am glad to have them by my side. Anyone can loot a Starbucks and call themselves an anarchist. You are free to call yourself an 'anarchist' without having read a word of Kropotkin, Bookchin, Chomsky or LeGuin. Ultimately anarchism is as anarchism does. If you want to see anarchism in action go to a "Food Not Bombs" street feed - meals delivered to the homeless and all comers without payment or permits.